Emily Basey

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant & Certified Newborn Care Specialist

Emily’s Bio:

Emily Basey is a pediatric sleep consultant helping families with children 4 months to 4 years improve sleep habits and establish age-appropriate schedules and routines. Her background and passion is in the field of education with a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Virginia Tech. As a former Assistant Principal, Emily blends her experience of teaching with coaching families to understand the benefits sleep has on their child’s overall health and well-being. As a wife and mom to two amazing, young sleepers, she understands that sleep can impact the entire family dynamic. Emily looks forward to making a life-changing difference one nite nite at a time. 

Visit her website: www.andthennitenite.com

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (571) 423-6717

Instagram: @andthennitenite